V V A  Clermont County  Chapter 649
DECEMBER    2013

Membership :  New Members  /  Renewals   -  Oct. / Nov.
Members who have Joined or renewed their membership by renewing through Chapter 64

Oct: 16  New Memb.
   Oct: 9  Renewals
Welcome  Home
Oct:   8 
  New  Members
Thank you for Your Support
Nov:  Mike Mider
  New  Member
Welcome  Home
Nov:  Bobby  Bennett   Renewal
Welcome  Home

                            Thank you to those Chapter Members who recruited our 26 new members.

Please note : If you have renewed or joined Chapter 649 by sending your-own application to National,
your name will not appear upon the above list of monthly renewals, due to the fact that Chapter 649
did not submit your application, and is not aware of your submission.

* * *        Please remember the Sweet Family, in your prayers.
Our condolences to the Sweet family on the loss of their mother Virginia

Chapter 649’s DEC. monthly meeting will be held at the Owensville Fair-Grounds.

Our monthly membership meeting will begin @ 6:00 Pm,
The annual Chapter 649 Christmas Dinner will be held Dec.12th beginning @ 6:15 Pm.
Our Guest- Speaker will be, ( Yep, you guessed it ) . . . Santa Claus.

Ham’s & turkeys are provided by the Chapter, all other side-dishes are provided by our
chapter members. If you have questions concerning what to bring, or how much to provide, please call AVVA member Joann Gregory - 513. 505. 5390.
Joann has a list of items needed and items accounted for.

Please remember to bring canned food / staples, to our food-drive for our Veterans in Need. Chapter 649 has 9 needy veteran families to provide items to.
Along with canned food supplies, we also try to provide each family with eggs, milk, bread, and fruit, for families who have small children, please bring small bags of apples & oranges, as well as hard-candy for those with children. also think about disposable razors, bath soap, laundry soap, paper towels,tooth paste, etc. etc. macaroni & cheese, spaghetti, dried beans, peanut butter, jelly, two liter soft-drinks, . . . the list is endless.
I guess the best way to explain it, " Our goal is to fill the food boxes with the type of
supplies which we ourselfs are accustomed to having in our own households, on an everyday basis"  . . .  Please keep this in mind for those in need.

* * * November: Veterans Day Activities Chapter 649 Attended

Nov.  7 - Columbus, OH - “Class of 2013 Veterans Hall of Fame” Induction Ceremony,
Fifteen new members, including chapter 649 member, Bob Derr. 
Congratulations to Bob Derr.
Nov.   8 - Milford Jr. High - Chapter Members speak with students, about what life is like, while serving in the military. 
Nov.   8 - Warren Co. Community College - “Thank You For Serving” Breakfast.
Nov.   9 - Newark, Ohio - 30 year Anniversary Dinner of VVA Chapter 55.
Nov. 10 - Bantam, OH - East Fork Lake - “Fallen Hero’s Memorial” Dedication.
Nov. 11 - 9:00 Am - Sam’s, Eastgate - “Thank You For Serving” Breakfast
Nov. 11 - 1:00 Pm - Union Twp. Memorial Park - Veterans Day Ceremony,
Nov. 11 - Mt. Orab, OH - Western Brown School
Nov. 11 - New Richmond - Batavia Veterans Day Parade
“Thank You”, to all who participated in these Veterans Day Ceremonies and Events.

* * *  Recognition Corner - Robert "Bob" Derr
                   Provide By Cliff Riley

Robert E. Derr of Clermont County
U.S. Marine Corps - Veteran Korean War Era, Vietnam War Era
Bob enlisted in the Marine Corps at age 17.
Following his military service, he returned home and established a business which he operated for 36 years.

Bob is committed to both civic duty and veteran advocacy, having more than 30 years of volunteer work with the Cincinnati VA Medical Center and over 35 years with the Clermont County Neediest Kids charity. He has also served as a volunteer fire fighter. The Clermont County Chamber of Commerce "Salute to Leaders" program recognized Bob for his outstanding service to both veterans and the greater community as Chair of the Fallen Heroes of Clermont County Memorial Committee.

The memorial will commemorate the service of the 14 residents of Clermont County who fell during the Persian Gulf War, Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom.

In addition, Bob was a three-term Commander for both AMVETS Post 131 and American Legion
Amelia Post 773, and is a life member of Disabled American Veterans Chapter 63.
Bob Derr's life has been dedicated to giving back to his community.

                                                                           Chapter 649 Salutes - Robert “Bob” Derr

* * * Year’s End

The year 2013 is just about ready to close the door and step aside, allowing 2014 to make its mark in history. Reflecting back, over the past twelve months, it was a very good year for Chapter 649.

As a Chapter we were able to help many residents of Clermont County. We spoke with the people who attended our meetings and events, informing them of the Veterans Service Commission located in Batavia, reminding them that temporary funds are available if they are in a financial bind, how to contact the Veterans Service Office, who will research their qualifications for future Health Care at the VA -
Hospital, along with other benefits that are available to all Veterans.

We were able to provided assistance during the 2012 Christmas holidays to ten veterans’ families in need. We donated $1,000.00 to various veteran organizations during 2012.

We have sat in the rain for hours at our Meet & Greets, in the blazing hot sun at our Fair Booth,
providing brochures to veterans, which informs them of benefits available.

Yes, we were glad to see them drop money in our donation box, but we were not there for the money. We were there because 649 members were not going to abandon another Veteran.

When the AVTT (Wall) came to Columbus (the last week of March), we braved standing in the
outside-weather, on snow covered ground in 20 mph winds, speaking with visitors, providing
information, and assistance to our comrades.

Our membership chairman Cliff Riley is constantly sending post cards to school-mates who themselves also served during the same time frame he himself served. He asks them to attend just one of our meetings and to think about becoming a member. They do return. They do join.
Chapter 649 now has over 200 members.
And our membership attendance averages 50 to 60 members per month.

Our Executive Board along with our Board of Directors is top notch.
We manage our chapter’s money well.
We have come a long way from having only $300.00 in the bank on any given month.

Our Delegates provide us with information from state council, keeping us well apprised.

Our members, be it VVA or AVVA, are not afraid to step-up and become the chair-person of an event. Our event committees work hard to make each event a success.
We also have members, who cannot attend each monthly meeting due to work related hours.
Yet they still find time to contribute their time and efforts to help make chapter 649 a better chapter.

V.V.A Ohio State Council has forty-three chapters located within the state of Ohio.
Chapter 649 has had the honor of being proclaimed “Chapter Of The Year” four separate times
(1993, 2007, 2010, and 2011).
We have shown both Buckeye State Council and V.V.A. National that we are an active chapter and that we do care about our community Veterans.

To All Our Chapter Members, On Behalf Of All 649 BOD Members,
“Thank You For Supporting Chapter 649”

Looking forward to seeing you at our Christmas Dinner on December 12th

Mark Brandon, President

* * *    V.V.A. Ohio State Convention - Hosted By Chapter 649
VVA Conventions are held each year.
National Conventions, are held in different States throughout the U.S.A. in years ending in odd numbers. 2013, 2015, 2017 etc.

State Conventions, are held in different Counties throughout the State of Ohio in years ending in even numbers. 2014, 2016, 2018 etc.

Ohio State Council has chosen Clermont County- Union Twp.-Chapter 649, as the location for the
2014 State Convention.  Chapter 649 has agreed to be the Host Chapter.
Holiday Inn (Eastgate) has agreed to provide rooms for all attendee’s lodging.
This is a four day event, with delegates attending from each of the 43 chapters within Ohio.

Beginning January 2014, State Council will visit with members of 649 informing us of various committees which our Chapter must provide an assist with, while complying with VVA Constitution Rules.
2014 Ohio State Convention will be held beginning May 8th - May 11th

As future information is provided to chapter 649, we will also inform you the member, with details and phone #’s, if you wish to participate on any committee’s / Color Guard, etc. etc.

Chapter 649 is Honored to have been chosen for this event.
Please consider volunteering to help make the 2014 State Convention a huge success.

* * *  Upcoming  Chapter  Events
Your Help is in Need as a Volunteer : The below listed events are a huge part of Chapter 649's efforts, to inform the public of our mission as a veterans' chapter. With your help, we can make each event a success and inform other veterans and the public of our creed.     " Never Again Will One Generation Of Veterans Abandon Another "
Dec.  Assisting " Veteran Families In Need " 
Warning Will Rogers . . .  Warning Will Rogers ( Lost In Space TV Show)
 Bulletin  Bulletin  -  Major Lack Of Donations   ( John Cameron Swayze )

Providing local area veterans and their families, assistance during the Holiday season.

Chapter 649 has been provided with a list of nine Clermont County Veterans families who are in need of assistance.
Over the past few years local schools within Clermont County have assisted Chapter 649 by having food drives, with food and other items being donated to 649, so we may help our Veterans.

In early November,2013 the chapter was informed by many of the schools, they would not be able to provide assistance to Chapter 649 this year.
We scheduled December 15, as the date for delivery of food baskets to our needy Veterans.

Today's date is December 1st, and the current supply in our Food Pantry is not enough to fulfill our
goal !   WE  NEED  MORE  FOOD !

Chapter 649 ask You, as a member of chapter 649, please consider providing any items you may wish to donate to this worthy cause.
Keeping in mind, 9 families of which some of these families have small children to feed also.

Please bring your donations to our Christmas Dinner being held at Owensville Fair Grounds, 6:00 Pm.
You may also bring donation to our BOD Meeting Dec.10th,   @ Union Twp. Civic Center.
( Call Wayne, 513.505.5391 to confirm your delivery at BOD Meeting )

Items we have provided in past years:
Canned Goods, all verities - soups, vegetables, sauces, fruits
Dry Goods – Navy Beans, Corn Bread mix, Potato’s (small bag) or boxed, Peanut-Butter, Jelly,
macaroni & cheese, spaghetti etc. (pasta's)
Also, - Paper Towels, Bathroom Paper, Bath Soap, Laundry Soap, Dish Soap, Toothpaste, etc.
Soft Drinks (2 liter), Apples (small bag), Oranges (small bag), Hard Candy

Our Chapter supplies each family a Honey Baked Ham, or a Turkey.
We also supply Fresh Bread, Butter, 1 doz. Eggs, Fresh Milk, along with a Gift Card $300.

* * *   GREEN  SCREEN  PHOTOS   -   December, - Christmas Dinner

Our Chapter 649 Webmaster, will be taking photos of V.V.A. and A.V.V.A. members,
at our Christmas Dinner.
Photos of You and your significant other will be taken with the green back-ground,
which will allow your photo placed in the foreground, while have a Christmas Theme 
showing in the Background.

Also : If you have a photo of yourself, taken while serving, during your time
in the military, please bring your photo, so it may be scanned and used to place on
our website.
   ( Photo will Be Returned )  Please refrain from wearing articles of clothing containing the color of green.
FYI, by using a Green Screen, this allows different backgrounds for use of your photo.
Visit our "Then and Now" web page to view examples for using a green screen

Dec.  Chapter 649 Christmas Party
Owensville - Fair- Grounds - 6:00 Pm - December 12

* * *    Request From Brick Chairman
Please remember, when filling out the "Brick Order Form", to include an e-mail address
(if available)   By providing an e-mail address and a phone number, Chapter 649 will have access to call or write you, informing you when your purchased brick has been placed at our memorial, also providing you with the grid location of your brick, making it easier to locate.
Due to winter weather conditions, the placing of Memorial Bricks will be postponed until
early spring. Order your Commemorative Brick now so it will be ready for spring-time placement, and viewable for our Memorial Day event.

Purchase a Brick for a family member who served in the military, or to just to say Thanks to a family member who was there for you as you grew-up. ( Cost $ 30.00 )

* * *   HGSP  Reminders
If you have clothing or other house-hold item you wish to discard, please consider donating to the VVA by calling 888. 518.VETS ( 8387 )
View website and schedule a pick-up date for your donations.
Remember : If you are making your donation to support Vietnam Veterans, You MUST mark all containers used for your donation, to read V V A !  
By placing the letters VVA on the bag or box containing your donation, this will assure your donation to reach the correct container for VVA supplies to be resold.

December  12th
Clermont Co. Fair Grounds
Owensville, Ohio
Chapter 649
Christmas   Dinner
6:00  PM
Ole  St. Nick
Janurary Meeting Date
Thursday,  January   9th
12 / 02- George Sloff
12 / 03-  Paul Wells
12 / 05-  Wayne Vineyard
12/ 05 Jeff Bosworth
12 / 12-  Sandra Sullivan
12 / 14- David Burton
12 / 17-  Larry Litsey
12 / 17- William Ludlow
12 / 19- Jerry Blevins
12 / 25- Dan Haglage
12 / 25- Christmas  Day
12 / 28- Terry Transier
12 / 31- Charles Matthews
12 / 31- Daniel Colman
12 / 31- Mike Jarvis
12 / 31- Raymond Autenreib
Purchase  A  Brick
Commemorative Bricks
are available for purchase
365 days a year
Order Your Brick Now,
Have It In Place For
Veteras Day
3 Lines, 13 characters per line
Spaces considered as a Character

Price  $ 30.00

Use our
" On Line Fill-In Form"
A V V A   Membership
Associates Of
Vietnam Veterans Of America participate & work in supporting V V A

For a $ 20.00 annual dues fee become a member and help further V V A programs

Application are available on our website, Click Here  or see
Joann at our meeting

Welcome  Home
Anyone knowing a member on the sick list or someone that just needs cheering up,
Please bring a Card to the next meeting for everyone to sign ......
Chapter 649 Will Pay
For the Card and Stamp.
Click On Above Logo
Household Goods
Click On Photo Above
888.518.Vets ( 8387 )
Schedule A Free Pickup

Click on Logo To View
Buckeye State Council Website

Click On Logo Above

Click On Logo Above