V V A  Clermont County  Chapter 649

Membership :  New Members  /  Renewals   -  August
Members who have Joined or renewed their membership by renewing through Chapter 64

James  Sadler
  Life  Member
Welcome  Home
Vance J. Miller
  New  Member
Welcome  Home
Ron  Tucker
  New  Member
Thank You For Supporting  Chapter 649

Please note : If you have renewed or joined Chapter 649 by sending your-own application to National,
your name will not appear upon the above list of monthly renewals, due to the fact that Chapter 649
did not submit your application, and is not aware of your submission.

* * *
Sick-Bay :    Please remember these members in your prayers.
Wally Clark - AVVA Member David Stevens informs us, Wally continues to recover from Open Heart surgery, and is getting stronger with each passing day.
Mike Tarter - After speaking with Mike ( via phone, Aug. 27 ) Mike informed me, he was currently awaiting to be discharged from the hospital on this date. 
Mike also informed me the Doctors proclaimed Mike as Cancer Free !
Tom Hesler - U.S. Marine - Semper - Fi
We are sorry to inform you of the passing of Chapter 649 long time member,
Tom Hesler  -  September 4, 2013

* * *
Guest Speaker :
Chris Rich / Roy Abrams / Shawn Fry
These speakers will visit chapter's 649 September meeting ( September 12.– 7:00 PM )
to inform our members of the Veterans' History Project.
This project allows all Veterans who served, to be video taped, while being interviewed,
providing a documented statement while you, (the veteran) explain what your duties
were while serving in the military.

* * *

AUGUST - Jacksonville, FL - National Convention
Chapter 649 Delegates George Kinnaird, Jim Sullivan, and Ken Williamson left Ohio to separately drive to Jacksonville, FL to attended the 16th National Convention for V.V.A. Members. 2013 became the first year that A.V.V.A. Members teamed-up with VVA to also have their Convention.
2013 became the largest attend Nation Convention ever.  
(Over 850 V.V.A. members).

A Welcome Home Party was held on Tuesday evening for all veterans and their wives.   Hot dogs and beverages were served to all, live music  from the 60's era, while many of the veterans dressing for the party as hippies to dance to the music from the 60’a era band.
View Photo Gallery

Shortly after Opening Ceremonies began on Wednesday, National-
President, John Rowan, informed all in attendance, a special guest was
soon to arrive on stage.  Shortly after informing us of this information
V.A. Secretary Shinseki, appeared.
Secretary Shinseki informed us of the progress of expediting VA claims of veterans with health issues.

* * *
September  -  District 3 Meeting
District # 3 Director, Cliff Riley, wishes to inform all Chapter within District # 3,
There will be a bi-annual District 3 meeting will be held:
When : 
September 14
  Where : Chapter 97  -  5657 Rosebury Drive  -  Huber Heights, OH 45424
      Time :  10 AM - 
Contact Cliff Riley, District 3 Director - 513. 509. 6271 (c)

* * *
Sept. -
 Golf Outing

 Chapter 649   -  8th Annual Golf - Fundraiser,
. September 21st, Elks Run Golf Course, Batavia Ohio
Registration Begins At : 8:30 - Shotgun Start At : 10:30 AM
. Sign-Up Forms for Teams, Players and Sponsors, are placed upon
our website.   Please consider compiling a 4-person team and help Chapter 649 help, Clermont County Veterans In Need.
2012 Golf Outing was a banner yerar for 649, allowing our chapter
to provide over $ 3,000.00 to needy Veterans    Learn More Here

* * *


Commemorative Brick

Request From Brick Chairman

Please remember, when filling out the "Brick Order Form", to include an e-mail address (if available)
By providing an e-mail address and a phone number, Chapter 649
will have access to call or write you informing you when your
purchased brick has been placed at our memorial, also providing
you with the grid location of your brick, making it easier to locate.
Veterans Day is soon upon us. Purchase a Brick for a family member who served in the military, or to just to say Thanks to a family member who was there for you as you grew-up. ( $ 30.00

* *
A Few Of The Clermont County.
Names On The Wall

Kenneth Craycraft
Bruce F. Griffin
Larry Calloway
James Lambert
Samuel Asher
Martin Mugavin
Charles Craward
Kenneth Huges
John McCoy
Gary Taylor
Robert Waddell
Virgil Hiter
Roger Lay
Gregory Iding
Arkie Wright
Earnest Wilson
Barry Lewis
Roger Inscore
Andrew Haglage
Jerry Eaton
Robert Gumbert
Allen Boeham
Randell Short
Gerald Hill

October  10 - 13  -  Public Viewing Of  The Wall

Welcome Home Celebration Dinner
Reminder : If you are a member of Chapter 649 don't forget to mail us your RSVP reservations confirming your attendance of the dinner to be held at
Holiday Inn ( Eastgate ) Saturday, October,12,
6:00 PM
   -   RSVP Required
Many activies are scheduled during the arrival of the Traveling Tribute Wall

A projected number of 1,974 motorcycles will escort the wall from West Harrison, Indiana, to Union Township - Veterans Park -Glen Este - Withamsville Road & Clough Pike   (AKA) - Helicopter Park  -
View more Here

* * *
GREEN  SCREEN  PHOTOS   -   September, - Membership Meeting
Our Chapter 649 Webmaster, will be taking photos of V.V.A. and A.V.V.A. members,
who have recently joined Chapter 649, and have not had the opportunity to have your picture taken.    If you have a photo of yourself, taken while serving, during your time
in the military, please bring your photo, so it may be scanned and used to place on
our website.   ( Photo will Be Returned )  Please refrain from wearing articles of clothing containing the color of green.

FYI, by using a Green Screen, this allows different backrounds for use of your photo.
Visit our "Then and Now" web page to view examples for using a green screen

* * *

Recognition Corner:    Howard Scott Daugherty
Provided By Cliff Riley

Howard, a Disabled Veteran, was born 10/31/1947 in Bethel, Ohio.
After graduating from Bethel H.S. he volunteered for the U.S. Army on 10/16/1966 with basic training at Ft Knox then on to Ft Rucker AL for advance training.
Sent to Vietnam with the 17th Cav, later changed to “F” Trp 8th Cav Americal Division, Air Assault Helicopter, ASA the “Blue Ghost”, serving as door gunner and crew chief, involved in three crashes earning the Air Medal, PH, Bronze Star w/v device.

Honorably Discharged 12/18/1968with the rank of E-5.
Howard owned a “Little Debbie” snack-cake franchise for 38 years, is a Tate Township Trustee for 14 years and served as a Clermont County Veteran Service Commissioner for 12 years where he now
serves as the Executive Director.
Married Terri Burgess also of Bethel, they raised 2 children,  2 Great Grandchildren
and 2 Great Great Grandchildren.
Howard was inducted into the Ohio Military Hall of Fame For Valor.

                                                                            Chapter 649 Salutes - Howard  Daughtery

* * *
Did  U  Know ?

Did you ever wonder why there are no dead penguins on the ice in Antarctica ?
Where do they go?    Wonder no more ! ! !

It is a known fact that the penguin is a very ritualistic bird which lives an extremely ordered and complex life. The penguin is very committed to its family and will mate for life, as well as maintain a form of compassionate contact with its offspring throughout its life.

If a penguin is found dead on the ice surface, other members of the family and social circle have been known to dig holes in the ice, using their vestigial wings and beaks, until the hole is deep enough for the dead bird to be rolled into, and buried.

The male penguins then gather in a circle around the fresh grave and sing:
"Freeze a jolly good fellow."    "Freeze a jolly good fellow."

You really didn't believe that I know anything about penguins, did you?
It's so easy to fool OLD people.
I am sorry; an urge came over me that made me do it!!!
Oh quit whining, I fell for it, too.

* * *
Roving  Billboard  - Veterans Recognition Day Event

Monday, August 26, Darryl Trace and Wayne Gregory changed the location of the Roving Billboard from St. Rt. 28 & Goshen Road, to, Goshen Road, in front of the drive-through, leading back to the Goshen School Football Field.
Friday, August 30, Goshen Local School District held their annual cookout and half-time recognition of all Goshen Community Warriors who have served in the military, or are currently serving in the military.

Goshen School wishes to Thank all Veterans for participating in the 2013,
Veterans Recognition Day Event

* * *
HGSP  Reminders

If you have clothing or other house-hold item you wish to discard, please consider donating to the VVA by calling 888. 518.VETS ( 8387 )
View website and schedule a pick-up date for your donations.
Remember : If you are making your donation to support Vietnam Veterans, You MUST mark all containers used for your donation, to read V V A !  
By placing the letters VVA on the bag or box containing your donation, this will assure your donation to reach the correct container for VVA supplies to be resold.

* * *
Upcoming  Chapter  Events

Your Help is in Need as a Volunteer : The below listed events are a huge part of Chapter 649's efforts, to inform the public of our mission as a veterans chapter. With your help, we can make each event a success and inform other veterans and the public of our creed.
" Never Again Will One Generation Of Veterans Abandon Another "
Sept. 8th Annual  Golf  Fundraiser  - September 21st
Location : Elks Run Golf Course, Batavia Ohio - Registration begins at 8:30 AM,
Shotgun Start - 10:30 AM . . . Come play golf with us, or become a hole sponsor. 
This Fundraiser allows 649 to help support our fellow veterans who are in need during the upcoming Christmas holidays.   For more information & PC fill-in forms, click HERE
Oct.  Clermont  County  Fair   -  Pumpkin  Run  -  October  4,  5,  6
Location : Owensville  Fairgrounds  -  Informing all Fair Visitors Of Veterans Benefits available, Recruiting For New Membership   /   Commemorative Brick Sales
Oct.  Traveling Wall  Arrives At Our Veterans Memorial   Oct. 9  -  13
Location : Union Township Veterans Memorial Park Corner of Clough Pike and
Glen Este-Withamsville Road Chapter 649 will be offering sandwiches & drinks for visitors at the concession stand.
Nov.  Veterans Day
Chapter 649 will have a brief ceremony to pay Honor to all Veterans, who have served our country.
Location : Union Township Veterans Memorial Park Corner of Clough Pike and Glen - Este-  Withamsville Road   -  November 11, Time To Be Announced soon.
Dec.  Assisting " Veteran Families In Need " 
Providing local area veterans and their families, assistance during the Holiday season.
September  12th
Union Township
Civic Center
4350 Aicholtz Road
Clermont County, Ohio
Food at 7:00 PM
Business at  7:30
Guest   Speaker
Veterans History Project
Chris  Rich

October  Meeting Date
Thursday,  October  10th

09 / 01- Cliff Riley
09 / 01-  Tom Hesler
08 / 05-  Herstle Bridges
09 / 06-  James “Peanut” Kahles
09 / 06- Wayne Waligorski
09 / 06-  Bruce Nutley
09 / 07- John Swigert
09 / 08- Connie Lillis
09 / 10- Tom Fecher
09 / 12- Ray Miller Jr
09 / 13- Kim Bredenbeck
09 / 14- Tim Long
09 / 14- Danny Sims
09 / 15- Ronald Sirabry
09 / 15- Robert Derr
09 / 16- James Bell
09 / 17- Rebekah Welch
09 / 20- Lannie Cornell
09 / 21- Darryl Trace
09 / 21- Amanda Sullivan
09 / 22- Luther Perry
09 / 25- James Ohsenhirt
09 / 25- George Huddleson
09 / 25- Frank Brisker
09 / 26- George Anderson Jr
09 / 27- Robert Bell
09 / 27- Cindy Smith
09 / 30- Dennis Waler

Be On The Look-Out For
Dale  Thompson
Please Inform  Dale
We still meet on the 2nd
Thursday of each month
7:30 PM
Union Township  Civic Center
4350 Aicholtz Road
Clermont County, Ohio
We Miss You Dale

Purchase  A  Brick
Commemorative Bricks
are available for purchase
365 days a year
Order Your Brick Now,
Have It In Place For
Veteras Day
3 Lines, 13 characters per line
Spaces considered as a Character

Price  $ 30.00

Use our
" On Line Fill-In Form"

A V V A   Membership
Associates Of
Vietnam Veterans Of America participate & work in supporting V V A

For a $ 20.00 annual dues fee become a member and help further V V A programs

Application are available on our website, Click Here  or see
Joann at our meeting

Welcome  Home

Click On Above Logo

Household Goods
Click On Photo Above
888.518.Vets ( 8387 )
Schedule A Free Pickup

Click on Logo To View
Buckeye State Council Website

Click On Logo Above

Click On Logo Above

* * *
Becoming an A.V.V.A. Member within Chapter 649

VVA Chapter 649 welcomes Associate Vietnam Veterans Of America membership.
Upon receiving your AVVA application for submittal to AVVA National, Chapter 649 agrees to accept your membership dues of $ 20.00 per year, Once your check or cash is given to chapter 649, it is then deposited in our chapters bank account.
Joann Gregory, (Chapter 649 Elected AVVA Liaison ) then submits your application, along with a check from Chapter 649 consisting of the amount of $ 20.00, which is then postal mailed to AVVA National Headquarters. ( Silver Springs Maryland )
Chapter 649 does not profit from any AVVA membership dues paid to chapter 649.

There are two types of AVVA Chapters, Incorporated and Unincorporated.
The State of Ohio does NOT have any incorporated Chapters.
Therefore, as a AVVA Member, once you receive your membership number, you are then a member of AVVA, within Chapter 649, which inturn informs AVVA National, you wish to support chapter 649 by volunteering to attend fundraisers and various types of events hosted by chapter 649 (or whichever chapter you chose to belong to )

As a unincorporated AVVA Member there are no officers elected, no avva meeting required, nor no board meetings.
Chapter 649 holds many fundraisers each year. Once a fundraiser is announced at our monthly meetings, a sign-up sheet
is passed among all persons attending the meeting. As a AVVA member you may request to be the Chairperson of that event or be a member of that event committee, or just volunteer to work in the booth on certain days, for certain hours of the event.   When Chapter 649 elects to have a event, whether it be fair-booth, 24 Hr. Vigil, or a fundraiser, etc. there is a sign-up sheet passed around at our meetings asking for all Volunteers.   The sign-up sheet provides our chapter with information as to who wishes to volunteer and become active with working this event.
AVVA members as well as VVA members are always welcome to attend VVA BOD meetings to present suggestion for fundraisers as well as become Chairperson for an event.

Chapter 649 AVVA supporters, Anna Murrell, Kathy Miller, Joann Gregory, Cindy Smith, Elaine Riley, Cathy Tam, Diane Sears, Jessie Trace, Evelyn Starr, Connie Lillis, Betty Haigwood, Mrs Crumb, Mrs. Pierce, Regina Herbolt, Janet Bratten, Dave, Pam, Kayla Stevens, Joyce Newman, and many others have chaired or volunteered to work the many type booths & events over the past 20 Years.

Chapter 649 started with one Helicopter as a memorial. Twenty Years later we have Eight Memorials in place.
Funds had to be raised to purchase each Memorial, the above names of AVVA members, along with VVA members,
are just a few many who have kept Chapter 649 thriving over the past twenty years, by volunteering there time,
and supporting Chapter 649.

These are the people who wanted to participate, and support Chapter 649.
Chapter 649 wishes to say  “Thank You” to all AVVA Members / VVA Members,
who have supported Chapter 649
over the past 20 years.

Request From Our President :  
If any chapter member attending our monthly knows someone that he / she thinks would be a good candidate to speak
at one of our meetings, please contact Mark Brandon.   513. 309. 3568

Information Buckeye State Council
Wishes To Inform you About

* Coloring Book Fundraiser
Ohio Veterans Foundation Buckeye State Council & V.V.A Chapter 55
Provisions have been made offering all VVA Chapters the opportunity to sell this coloring book as a fundraiser for your VVA Chapter.    Contact your local schools, Churches, or Day Care Centers and see if they wish to participate by purchasing a coloring book to help support your chapter.    To learn more about this fundraiser  Click Here
Contact : Buckeye State Council
35 E. Chestnut Street Suite 501
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Call Buckeye State Council
614. 228. 0188

"Get  Well  Cards"  

Anyone knowing a member on the sick list or someone that just needs cheering up,
please bring a Card to the next meeting for everyone to sign ...... we'll pay for the card and stamp.

If you have Articles Of Interest You Wish To Have Published, Please Contact :
Wayne Gregory - mgregory2@ cinci.rr.com