V V A  Clermont County  Chapter 649
AUGUST  2013
Membership :  New Members  /  Renewals
Members who have Joined or renewed their membership
by renewing through Chapter 649
James  Sadler
Life  Member
Welcome  Home
Vance J. Miller
  New  Member
Welcome  Home
Ron  Tucker
 New  Member
Thank You For Supporting  Chapter 649

Please note : If you have renewed or joined Chapter 649 by sending your-own application to National,
your name will not appear upon the above list of monthly renewals, due to the fact that Chapter 649
did not submit your application, and is not aware of your submission.

Sick-Bay :
It has been brought to my attention, two of our members have recently checked into Sick Bay.   Wally Clark and Mike Tarter. 
Please remember these members in your prayers.

Guest Speaker :
Due to a conflict in schedule, our Guest Speaker will be unable to attend our meeting.

Volunteer Opportunity List
Last month, Jo Ann  Norton - VA Hospital, spoke as a guest speaker at our July meeting.   Jo Ann has provided Chapter 649 with an Volunteer Opportunity List of which our Chapter members may wish to consider becoming a volunteer at the VA hospital.
There are many activities available for both VVA & AVVA members / Men & Women.
Baking Cookies • Newspaper Distribution Holiday Decorating • Musical Talent

View list of Opportunities HERE
***Please note that this list is only the tip of the iceberg of volunteer opportunities that we have to offer. We can create other opportunities as well.

JULY - Dearborn Michigan - Region 5
Delegates from Chapter 649 made the drive to Dearborn, Michigan to attend the three-day Region 5 Conference.
Region 5 Consist of all V V A Chapters within the states of Ohio / Indiana / Illinois / Michigan.    Delegates from these state chapters gather for this conference, to meet each candidate who will be seeking an elected position on the Board Of Directors of V.V.A. National, located in Silver Springs, Maryland.   2013 elections will be held in Jacksonville, Florida,
National Convention, August 13 - 17
Also during this conference, Region 5 voted on various proposals, and amendments to be added the our V V A National Constitution.
Many issues were resolved while attending this conference.
View Photos From Region 5 Conference  Here

JULY - Clermont County Fair
Chapter 649 participated in the 2013 Clermont Co. Fair, providing Veteran fair visitors information about V.A. Benefits available to the veteran or a family member who may have served in the military.
Free Flags, and Poppies were available to all who stopped by to chat with us, and our Adopt A Flag Certificate was a huge success, along with Commemorative Brick sales.

With our booth tent being adjacent to the Goat barn, lots of laughs
were seen, & heard by listening to the goats talk among themselfs.
Naaa,  Naaa, Naaa, was the entire topic in the goat barn for the week.
To All our Fair booth visitors:     Thank You for your donations.

If you look closely, at the photo on the left, you will see "rain water"
dripping from our booth. What you don't see is our president being
covered with water when he raised the tent top to releive the excess
rain water which settled on the tent roof ... LOOK OUT MARK !
Yep, You Guessed It . . .  He got very wet !

    Get Well Soon -  
. Wally - 649 wishes you a speedy recovery from your recent surgery.
BTW: Be sure to tell David Letterman, 649 says Hi, while you recover, in New York.
. Laverne - 649 wishes you a speedy recovery from your recent surgery.
BTW: C.C. Fair ended July 27.  Tell Don, No more excuses for leaving the house.
. Elaine - 649 wishes you a speedy recovery from your recent surgery.
Don't forget to follow Dr. Orders for Post Op Therapy, the Convention is soon to arrive,
lots of walking to do while in Florida.


Commemorative Brick

Request From Brick Chairman
Please remember, when filling out the "Brick Order Form",
to include an e-mail address (if available)
By providing an e-mail address and a phone number, Chapter 649
will have access to call or write you informing you when your
purchased brick has been placed at our memorial, also providing
you with the grid location of your brick, making it easier to locate.

Welcome Home Celebration Dinner
Reminder : If yu are a member of Chapter 649 don't forget to mail us your RSVP reservations confirming your attendance of the dinner to be held at
Holiday Inn
( Eastgate )
   Saturday, October,12,  6:00 PM
RSVP Required, This date falls within the arrival dates of the Traveling Tribute Wall with many activities included during the October 9 - 13 schedule.
A projected number of 1,974 motorcycles will escort the wall from West Harrison, Indiana, to Union Township - Veterans Park -Glen Este - Withamsville Road & Clough Pike   (AKA) - Helicopter Park  - View more Here

August 8, - Membership Meeting
Our Chapter 649 Webmaster, will be taking photos of V.V.A. and A.V.V.A. members,
who have recently joined Chapter 649, and have not had the opportunity to have your picture taken.    If you have a photo of yoursef, taken while serving, during your time
in the military, please bring your photo, so it may be scanned and used to place on
our website.   ( Photo will Be Returned )  Please refrain from wearing articles of clothing containing the color of green.

FYI, by using a Green Screen, this allows different backrounds to be used for your photo. Visit our "Then and Now" web page to view examples for using a green screen   click here

Sept. - Golf Outing

 Chapter 649 Will Hold Its 8th Annual Golf - Fundraiser,
. September 21st, Elks Run Golf Course, Batavia Ohio
Registration Begins At : 8:30 - Shotgun Start At : 10:30 AM
. Sign-Up Forms for Teams, Players and Sponsors, are placed upon    our website.   Please consider Compiling a 4-person team and help Chapter 649 help, Clermont County Veterans In Need.
2012 Golf Outing was a banner yerar for 649, allowing our chapter
to provide over $ 3,000.00 to needy Veterans    Learn More Here

Recognition Corner:     Dave  Conley
Provided By Cliff Riley
David Wayne Conley, a Disabled Veteran, was born July 26, 1945 at Mariemont Hospital. The Conley family is one of the largest families of Veterans in the county. Dave attended Goshen Schools and was drafted September 1965.
After Basic Training and Advance Training at Ft. Knox it was on to Jump School at Ft. Benning.

After a tour in Vietnam with the 173 Airborne Brigade, Dave was discharged in March 7, 1968 as a Sergeant E-5. Three months later on June 8, 1968 Dave married the beautiful Sue Ann Collins. Together they have 3 Children and 3 grandchildren (one deceased). Dave Joined VVA 649 May 1994 and has served every position, except President, including National Delegate and served as chairman of many committees, delivered food from VVA to the needy families at Christmas and Thanksgiving. Dave served on the VFW Memorial Team from 1999 until recently, participating in over 1,600 funerals. With the VFW Dave was All-State Quartermaster and Past Commander of 4th District for the state of Ohio. Dave has served on many committees in his community including the building of the Goshen School Veterans Memorial, Flag Retirement Event and organizing Veterans in Parades. Dave was a Heavy Equipment Operator and Electrician.

                                                                                  Chapter 649 Salutes - Dave  Conley

Roving  Billboard
The Chapter 649 Roving Billboard has been relocated to
a new location.
Travelers may now view this banner while traveling
through Goshen, Ohio, St Rt. 28, On the corner of,
Goshen Road and Rt. 28. at the Old Goshen School.
This Banner was relocated from Owensville to Goshen
by Ed Cole and Darryl Trace on July 15, 2013, and will
return to Owensville for October's Pumpkin Run event.

Summer  Fun
Come join our brothers & sisters at Am. Legion Post 450 in Milford, 6 PM every Friday in,  June / July & August.  "Come join the music on the deck"   
Burgers, Mets, Brats & sides offered for a nominal amount

HGSP  Reminders
August has now arrived, and if your to-do-list, contains items such as; cleaning out the garage / basement / shed / etc. etc., please consider donating to the VVA by calling 888. 518.VETS ( 8387 )
View website and schedule a pick-up date for your donations.
Remember : If you are making your donation to support Vietnam Veterans, You MUST mark all containers used for your donation, to read V V A !  
By placing the letters VVA on the bag or box containing your donation, this will assure your donation to reach the correct container for VVA supplies to be resold.

Upcoming  Chapter  Events
Your Help is in Need as a Volunteer : The below listed events are a huge part of Chapter 649's efforts, to inform the public of our mission as a veterans chapter. With your help, we can make each event a success and inform other veterans and the public of our creed.
" Never Again Will One Generation Of Veterans Abandon Another "

August  V.V.A.  National  Convention  -  August 13 - 18  -  Jacksonville,  Florida

Sept. 8th Annual  Golf  Fundraiser  - September 21st
Location : Elks Run Golf Course, Batavia Ohio - Registration begins at 8:30 AM,
Shotgun Start - 10:30 AM . . . Come play golf with us, or become a hole sponsor. 
This Fundraiser allows 649 to help support our fellow veterans who are in need during the upcoming Christmas holidays.   For more information & PC fill-in forms, click HERE

Oct.  Clermont  County  Fair   -  Pumpkin  Run 
Location : Owensville  Fairgrounds  -  Informing all Fair Visitors Of Veterans Benefits available, Recruiting For New Membership   /   Commemorative Brick Sales

Oct.  Traveling Wall  Arrives At Our Veterans Memorial   Oct. 9  -  13
Location : Union Township Veterans Memorial Park Corner of Clough Pike and
Glen Este-Withamsville Road Chapter 649 will be offering sandwiches & drinks for visitors at the concession stand.

Nov.  Veterans Day
Chapter 649 will have a brief ceremony to pay Honor to all Veterans, who have served our country.
Location : Union Township Veterans Memorial Park Corner of Clough Pike and Glen Este-  Withamsville Road   -  November 11, Time To Be Announced soon.

Dec.  Assisting " Veteran Families In Need " 
Providing local area veterans and their families, assistance during the Holiday season.

Information Buckeye State Council
Wishes To Inform you About

* Coloring Book Fundraiser
Ohio Veterans Foundation Buckeye State Council & V.V.A Chapter 55
Provisions have been made offering all VVA Chapters the opportunity to sell this coloring book as a fundraiser for your VVA Chapter.
Contact your local schools, Churches, or Day Care Centers and see if they wish to participate by purchasing a coloring book to help support your chapter.
To learn more about this fundraiser  Click Here
Contact : Buckeye State Council
35 E. Chestnut Street Suite 501
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Call Buckeye State Council
614. 228. 0188

"Get  Well  Cards"
Anyone knowing a member on the sick list or someone that just needs cheering up,
please bring a Card to the next meeting for everyone to sign ......
we'll pay for the card and stamp.
If you have Articles Of Interest You Wish To Have Published, Please Contact :
Wayne Gregory - mgregory2@ cinci.rr.com
August  8 th
Union Township
Civic Center
4350 Aicholtz Road
Clermont County, Ohio
Food at 7:00 PM
Business at  7:30
No   Guest   Speaker
For  August

August  Meeting Date
Thursday,  August  8 th
08 / 01- Kenneth Patchell
08 / 02-  Tami Miller
08 / 03-  Cathy Tam
08 / 04-  Garrett Fuson
08 / 07- Mike Luedcke
08 / 07-  Sidney Toney
08 / 08- Frank Black
08 / 08- Patrick Coburn
08 / 08- Ivan Adams Sr
08 / 08- Stephen Hahn
08 / 09- Dennis Elchlinger
08 / 10- Rodney Myers
08 / 13- Jimmy Arnold
08 / 13- Charlie Nause
08 / 18- Mark Brandon
08 / 19- Darlene Sheap
08 / 22- Robert Colbert Jr
08 / 22- James Tonkin
08 / 28- Ken Williamson
Be On The Look-Out For
Frank  Brisker
Please Inform  Frank
We still meet on the 2nd
Thursday of each month
7:30 PM
Union Township  Civic Center
4350 Aicholtz Road
Clermont County, Ohio
We Miss You Frank
Purchase  A  Brick
Commemorative Bricks
are available for purchase
365 days a year
Order Your Brick Now,
Have It In Place For
Veteras Day
3 Lines, 13 characters per line
Spaces considered as a Character

Price  $ 30.00

Use our
" On Line Fill-In Form"
A V V A   Membership
Associates Of
Vietnam Veterans Of America participate & work in supporting V V A

For a $ 20.00 annual dues fee become a member and help further V V A programs

Application are available on our website, Click Here  or see
Joann at our meeting

Welcome  Home
Click On Above Logo
Household Goods
Click On Photo Above
888.518.Vets ( 8387 )
Schedule A Free Pickup

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Buckeye State Council
Website- News / Events
And More


Veteran Affairs
Click On Logo Above

Web Weekly
Click On Logo Above