V V A  Clermont County  Chapter 649
May  2013
April  Elections  Results:
April 11, 2013, elections of new officers were held. Shown below are our 2013 Officers.
 Mark  Brandon
1st Vice
 Bill  Barker
2nd Vice
 Robert  Wilms
 Jim  Sullivan
 Wayne  Gregory
 Don Sheppard  /  Steve  Tam  /  Ben  Joehnk
B.O.D. cont.
 Ron  Bratten  /  Jim  Wilson
A.V.V.A. Representative
 Joann  Gregory
 !  To All Our Newly Elected Officers

Membership :  New Members  /  Renewals
  Members who have Joined or renewed their membership by renewing through Chapter 649
James Farquer
New Member Welcome Home


Thomas Whalen
New Member Welcome Home
 A,V.V.A. Amanda Sullivan   New Member Thank You For Supporting Chapter  649
 A,V.V.A. Brenda  Smith   New Member Thank You For Supporting Chapter  649
 A,V.V.A. Rebekah Welch   New Member Thank You For Supporting Chapter  649
Please note : If you have renewed or joined chapter 649 by sending your-own application to National,
your name will not appear upon the above list of monthly renewals, due to the fact that chapter 649 did not submit your application, and is not aware of your submission.


Chapter 649:   2013 Elected President : Mark  Brandon
Mark comes to us after many successful years in the banking industry.
Born August 18 1950, Mark was drafted into the US Army July 21, 1970.
After basic training Mark took advance training as a Military Policeman at Ft Gordon, - GA. then sent to Vietnam, initially assigned to the 560th MP Company, then serving
with the 66th MP CO 93rd MP BN
Mark joined VVA 649 Jan. 17, 2011, and is also a member of the South West Ohio VFW Memorial Team, A member of the VFW post- 9630, Willowville, Ohio.   Mark has three children and one grandchild.
                                      Congratulations  Mark Brandon,  . . . Welcome Home
There is absolutely No Truth to the rumor that Mark's been married 12 times and has 23 children

Recognition Corner: Ken  Williamson
Ken is a longtime V V A Chapter 649 member, Ken has been our Chapter 649 President
for the past three years, providing our chapter with many new and fresh ideas for Fundraiser Events, Membership Drives, Commemorative Brick Sales, Events Photos, Chapter Newsletter editor, he also appears in many tv video ads, while promoting our Chapter and Veterans, with information thru-out the Clermont County area.
Ken resides in Kenwood, and is a real estate representative for Sibcy Cline real estate.

Ken served with the Army from 1968 - 1970 as a Specialist ( MOS: 84 B 20 - Photographer )
He has recently written a book, providing many stories and photos taken during his tour in Vietnam,
( to be published soon )    
Ken has elected to step-down as president to pursue more time with his wife, children, and real estate sales.
In recognition to all you have done for all members of V.V.A. Chapter 649,
                                                                                   Chapter 649 Salutes - Ken  Williamson

April   District Director
The District Director's Meeting held by Cliff Riley ( District lll Director ) was a great success.
Guest speaker from Buckeye State Council arrived, along with other District lll VVA members,
to Hot Coffee & Pastry's, and bottled water, provided by State Council, to be well informed of new
information passed down from State Council, concerning Membership Drives, Fundraiser Drives,
Financial HGSP updates, and Veteran Benefits updates.
"Thank You" to, AVVA Member Janet Bratten for making sure we all had our coffee & pastry,
available before the start of the meeting.

May    Guest  Speaker
U.S. Navy Seal, Dan Greene, will speak at our May 9 meeting.
Resideing in Clermont Co., Dan is a retired U.S. Navy Seal Medic, who served in the
Afghanistan war.
Come out and meet Dan, and listen to how the technologies has changed from the 60's to 2001.
1940, divers were called Frogman  /  Aug.1942
-designated as UDT ( Underwater Demolition Teams )
Jan.1983 - re-designated as Navy Seal

May  24 Hour Vigil
Chapter 649 Will Hold Its Annual 24 Hour Vigil - May 26 - 27 - Paying Honor To Our Fallen
Opening Ceremony Begins May 26, 2:00 PM     -     Public Encouraged To Participate
Preparation are underway for our annual 24 hour Vigil.  Volunteers are in need to help during this 24 hour period.  Memorial Bricks must me must be hose-sprayed & swept, crosses must be placed at our memorial,  volunteers for times to be at the memorial during the complete 24 hours, must be scheduled,   If anyone has access to one or two Golf Carts to loan chapter 649, during the 24 hr. period, this would be of great help. The golf carts allows us to transport elderly visitors to-and-from the parking lot, to our Memorial,  By volunteering your assistance, this will lighten the work-load for all members.
Please call Chairman, George Kinnaird 513. 675. 9276, if you wish to show your desires to help
with making our annual Vigil a huge success.
During the 24 hour Vigil, the drive-way leading to the memorial, will become a
NO Parking Zone, this will allow the elderly and handicapped to have rock-star-parking privileges.
Please honor this request.

Chapter 649 Poets
Cliff Riley and Ken Williamson have both had poems accepted for publishing in the 2013 release of “Poems and Drawings on Peace and Justice. The poems, written about their Vietnam experience, will be illustrated through the skills of local artists. This is the tenth annual book of poetry and art published in Cincinnati.

The book will be launched and available at “SOS Art 2013”, May 31st through June 9th at the Art Academy of Cincinnati. Cliff and Ken will read their poems at the Art Academy on Saturday June 1st at 7:00 PM. The Art Academy is located at 1212 Jackson Street, Cincinnati 45202

View Ken Williamson Poem Here

Summer  Fun
Come join our brothers & sisters at Am. Legion Post 450 in Milford, 6 PM every Friday in,
June / July & August.  "Come join the music on the deck"
Burgers, Mets, Brats & sides offered for a nominal amount

HGSP  Reminders
Spring has now arrived, and if spring-cleaning is on your to-do list, while cleaning out the garage / basement / shed / etc. etc., please consider donating to the VVA by calling 888. 518.VETS ( 8387 )
View web site and schedule a pick-up date for your donations.
Remember : If you are making your donation to support Vietnam Veterans, You MUST mark all containers used for your donation, to read V V A !  
By placing the letters VVA on the bag or box containing your donation, this will assure your donation
to reach the correct container for VVA supplies to be resold.
NOTE *  A Newly Revised VVA Clothing Web Link is now available !
Click on clothing advertisement ad located in our far-right column.

Free Flag  Pole
Have you always wanted a Flag Pole at your residence, but keep procrastinating the task ??
Flag Day is June 14, 2013, Why not call Chapter 649 member, Ed Cole, and learn how you can
receive a free 10 foot flag pole, with USA flag included, installed at your home or business.
Call: Ed Cole - 513. 625. 0075

Upcoming  Chapter  Events
Your Help is in Need as a Volunteer : The below listed events are a huge part of Chapter 649's efforts, to inform the public of our mission as a veterans chapter. With your help, we can make each event a success and inform other veterans and the public of our creed.
" Never Again Will One Generation Of Veterans Abandon Another "
May 24  Hour Vigil  -  Paying Honor To Our Fallen   -   May 26  &  27
Location : Union Township Veterans Memorial Park Corner of Clough Pike and
Glen Este-Withamsville Road,  May 26, 2:00 PM   through  May 27, 2:00 PM
Public Encouraged To Participate

June Retirement Of The Flag Ceremony   -   June  9
Retirement of worn, tore & tattered American Flags.
Location : Union Township Civic Center Amphitheater / 4350 Aicholtz Rd, 45245
Sunday June 9, 2013 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM - Public Invited To Attend   View more HERE

June Meet  &  Greet
Location : Sam's Club  -  Eastgate   -  June 22  &  23
Informing all Sam's Visitor's Of Veterans Benefits available, Recruiting for new Membership,   also providing Commemorative Brick applications to purchase a Memorial Brick for your love ones.

July Clermont  County  Fair   -  July 21 - 27
Location : Owensville  Fairgrounds  -  Informing all Fair Visitor's Of Veterans Benefits available
Recruiting For New Membership   /   Commemorative Brick Sales

August  V.V.A.  National  Convention  -  August 13 - 18  -  Jacksonville,  Florida

Sept. 8th Annual  Golf  Fundraiser  - September 21st
Location : Elks Run Golf Course, Batavia Ohio - Registration begins at 8:30 AM,
Shotgun Start - 10:30 AM . . . Come play golf with us, or become a hole sponsor. 
This Fundraiser allows 649 to help support our fellow veterans who are in need during the upcoming
Christmas holidays.   For more information & PC fill-in forms, click HERE

Oct. Clermont  County  Fair   -  Pumpkin  Run 
Location : Owensville  Fairgrounds  -  Informing all Fair Visitor's Of Veterans Benefits available,
Recruiting For New Membership   /   Commemorative Brick Sales

Oct. Traveling Wall  Arrives At Our Veterans Memorial   Oct. 9  -  13
Location : Union Township Veterans Memorial Park Corner of Clough Pike and
Glen Este-Withamsville Road
Chapter 649 will be offering sandwiches & drinks for visitors at the concession stand.

Nov. Veterans Day
Chapter 649 will have a brief ceremony to pay Honor to all Veterans, who has served our country.
Location : Union Township Veterans Memorial Park Corner of Clough Pike and
Glen Este-  Withamsville Road   -  November 11, Time To Be Announced soon.

Dec. Assisting " Veteran Families In Need " 
Providing local area veterans and their families, assistance during the Holiday season.

Information Buckeye State Council
Wishes To Inform you About

Vietnam Veterans Commemoration   Photos
Photos taken at the four day Veterans Day Event are now viewable upon the Buckeye St. Council web site. The event was very intense, and very informative.    view event photos Here
Many thanks to Cliff Riley for rescheduling his weekly work load, drive to Columbus to attend the
entire four day event, allowing this webmaster to provide photos of the entire event.
As you will notice, I even got a chance to stand behind the Governors podium and say a few words
to the crowd

If you have Articles Of Interest You Wish To Have Published, Please Contact :
Wayne Gregory - mgregory2@ cinci.rr.com

May  9th
Guest Speaker
Clermont County Sheriff
Tim Rodenberg
Union Township
Civic Center
4350 Aicholtz Road
Clermont County, Ohio
Food at 7:00 PM
Business at  7:30
Guest Speaker
US Navy Seal
- Dan Greene
Afghanistan War Veteran
June  Meeting Date
Thursday,  June. 13th

May   Birthdays
05-03- Gary Bryant
05-03- Dan Arnie
05-07- David Miller
05-09- Victor Hogue
05-11- Burgionne Fee
05-11- Bill Graybill
05-18- Tommy Brown
05-19- Jim Smith
05-19- Eddie Sweet
05-21- Dan Frazee
 05-22- Francis Erne Jr.
05-23- Raymond Dixon
05-23- Jim Haas

Purchase  A  Brick
Commemorative Bricks
are available for purchase
365 days a year
Order you brick now,
so it may be placed at
our memorial this spring
3 Lines, 13 characters per line
Spaces considered as a Character

Price  $ 30.00

Use our
" On Line Fill-In Form"

A V V A   Membership
Associates Of
Vietnam Veterans Of America participate & work in supporting V V A

For a $ 20.00 annual dues fee become a member and help further V V A programs

Application are available on our website, Click Here  or see
Joann at our meeting


Click On Above Logo
To View VSO Web site

Household Goods
Click On Photo Above
888.518.Vets ( 8387 )
Schedule A Free Pickup

Be On The Look-Out For
Dan  Bowman
Please Inform  Dan
We still meet on the 2nd
Thursday of each month
7:30 PM
Union Township  Civic Center
4350 Aicholtz Road
Clermont County, Ohio
We Miss You  Dan

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