V V A  Clermont County  Chapter 649
April  2013
Webmaster To All 649 Chapter Members :
March 5th, 2013 - I received a phone call from the Arizona Sheriff Dept.asking if myself and my wife, would consider packing up our belongings and moving to Arizona.
We have been offered a new house on a 5 acre lot, (completely furnished to our wishes) two, 2013
vehicles of our choice, along with a seven figure, yearly salary.
It appears that Arizona has been viewing the Chapter 649 web site, and would like me to become a
teacher at a facility, where inmates wear Pink Jump-Suits, so I may tutor inmates, the art of Web Making.   Although our decision has not been completely decided on at this point in time, we are leaning strongly on agreeing to their terms.
We have until April 25th to voice our final decision, with a scheduled departure from Cincinnati,
Airport, April 25.
Being retired, and not getting any younger, nice warm weather to wake-up to each morning,
coupled with a "buy what you want" salary, sounds like a Good Offer !
It's not the lottery, but it probably is as close to winning one, (for the two of us), as we'll ever get !
Reminder :
THURSDAY  April 11 - 7:30 PM
   Chapter   649  Election  Of  Officers
   Executive Board   And    Board Of Directors
   All Elected Positions are available
Get  Involved ! 

Chapter 649 A. V. V. A. - Liaison Elections
THURSDAY  April 11 - 7:30 PM
Elections will also be conducted, providing all AVVA members the opportunity to vote for the
AVVA Representative who will represent
Chapter 649 AVVA 

* Membership :  New Members  /  Renewals
  Chapter 649 members who have Joined or renewed their membership in February
Robert  Ball
New Member     - Welcome Home


George  Sloff
Air Force
Renewal Memb  - Welcome Home
 A,V.V.A. Regina  Herbolt   Renewal Memb  - Thank You For Supporting Chapter  649
 A,V.V.A. Cathy  Tam   LIFE  MEMBER - Thank You For Supporting Chapter  649

*  March 30 Declared Vietnam Veterans Day
Vietnam Veterans of America, Clermont County Chapter 649 will hold a brief ceremony at Union Township Park, around the helicopter memorial, on Saturday, March 30th at 1:30 PM to honor
Vietnam Veterans.
Last year Governor John Kasich signed into law a day to honor those who fought, died, or are still unaccounted for in the Vietnam War. The day, March 30th, represents the first day all U.S. combat troops were out of the country after the signing of the Paris Peace Accords in 1973.
More than 296,000 Ohio veterans served during the ten-year Vietnam era including those killed in action from Clermont County.
Ken Williamson, President of VVA 649, said, “this is a time to remember those who served
and to give them the “welcome home” they never received”.
Eighteen states, including most of Ohio’s neighbors, have designated a day for Vietnam vets.
Most chose March 30.   . . .   Public Welcome, and Encouraged to Attend

*  March - State Council Membership Meeting :
Each year, State Council (Columbus) has their quarterly Membership Meeting to inform all attending,
of New information from VVA National, and also information of upcoming V V A events and projects, happening within the state of Ohio, sponsored by other Ohio VVA Chapters.
Delegates and Guest from Chapter 649 were well represented.
To all 649 members who attended, "Thank You" for your support.

*  April - District Directors Meeting
          Cliff Riley
- District 3 Director
   Twice per year Buckeye State Council, District Directors are required to meet with all chapters
within their respective District.  District  # 3 has five VVA Chapters within Ohio, Chapter 10, -
Chapter 97, Chapter 552, Chapter 649, Chapter 930. These meetings are scheduled to be held at
different chapter locations, each meeting location rotates, so that eventually, each chapter has the opportunity to become the host Chapter, eliminating distant travel-time for the host Chapter.
Each meeting is open to all Chapters who's members who may wish to share ideas for recruiting
new members, or fundraiser's, and also ask questions they would like information about.
The district director also passes information along to each in attendance, of new information
Buckeye State Council wishes to provide, allowing those attending, the opportunity to inform other members of their chapter, who were unable to attend.
District 3, 2013 Spring meeting will be held April 20 @ 10:00 AM / Union Twp. Civic Center

*  HEY  GI, Looking For Some Fun ?
Come join our brothers & sisters at Am. Legion Post 450 in Milford, 6 PM every Friday in, June / July
August.  "Come join the music on the deck"
Burgers, Metts, Brats & sides offered for a nominal amount

*  Reminder To All Supporters Of  V.V.A.
Spring has now arrived, and if spring-cleaning is on your to-do list, while cleaning out the garage / basement / shed / etc.etc., please consider donating to the VVA by calling 888. 518.VETS ( 8387 )
View their website and schedule a pick-up date for your donations.
Remember : If you are making your donation to support Vietnam Veterans, You MUST mark all containers used for your donation, to read V V A !  
By placing the letters VVA on the bag or box containing your donation, this will assure your donation
to reach the correct container for VVA supplies to be resold.

Recognition Corner : Dexter Thornberry
Each month, on the second Thursday, at approximately 7:00 PM, as you enter the double doors of the downstairs room to attend our monthly meeting you will find Dexter sitting behind the door at a small desk. Upon that desk is where Dexter places his personal computer, in preparation for showing Slide-Show photos on the over-head projector provided by Union Twp. also providing information which our Guest Speaker
wishes to relate to our membership.  Dexter is a long time member of chapter 649.
Dex can also set-up a Field -Of Crosses for use at our 24 hour vigil, that is as straight
as an arrow, and very impressive !
Dexter served in the Army (1965 - 1967) as a Specialist, ( 68G20 Airframe Repairman )
Residing in, Clermont Co.  /   Retired from Ford Motor Co. in 2009,
Dexter has two children, / six grand children, & two great-grand children.

The next time you attend the meeting, look behind the door, and thank Dexter
for what he does by providing his assistance, to make our meetings go smoother.

                                                            Chapter 649 Salutes - Dexter Thornberry

*  Welcome Home Parade :
April 15 - 18, 2013  Pigeon Forge TN will have a "Welcome Home Parade" for all Vietnam Era Vets

 Upcoming Information Buckeye State Council
Wishes To Inform you About

 *  Vietnam Veterans Commemoration - Photos
Photos taken at the four day Veterans Day Event will soon be viewable upon the Buckeye St. Council website.  Check for photos Here

*  Wonderful News :VA  Secretary, Eric K. Shinsek,
has accepted the request from President Obama to stay on as Secretary Of Veterans Adiminstration.

*  PTSD :
VA has broken ground for a Mental Health research facility in Charleston SC.

* House and Senate Bills :
With the signing of HB 459, the state of Ohio has become the first Purple.Heart State in the Nation

With the signing of SB 222, POW / MIA flags will now be displayed at Rest Areas along the Ohio Turnpike and Interstate hwys.

Looking for Veterans related news updates ?
VVA National's Web Weekly keeps you informed as
to incoming news updates that arrived after the
"Veteran" magazine has gone to press.
 Articles  concerning "Agent Orange"  "Health Care" and many other subjects which has been brought to National's attention.
Click on the above Web Weekly banner, scroll down, to see current & past issues.

If you have Articles Of Interest You Wish To Have Published, Please Contact :
Wayne Gregory - mgregory2@ cinci.rr.com

April  11th
Guest Speaker
Clermont County Sheriff
Tim Rodenberg
Union Township
Civic Center
4350 Aicholtz Road
Clermont County, Ohio
Food at 7:00 PM
Business at  7:30
Guest Speaker
Clermont County
Bob Proud
May  Meeting Date
Thursday,  May. 9th

April   Birthdays
04- 02 - James Crump
04- 06 - James Berryhill
04- 10 - George Beltz
04- 10 - Larry Hollander
04- 22 - John Melvin
04- 23 - Don South
04- 26 - Ed Cole
04- 27 - Oakley Noe
04- 27 - Elaine Riley
04- 28 - Mike Tarter

Purchase  A  Brick
Commemorative Bricks
are available for purchase
365 days a year
Order you brick now,
so it may be placed at
our memorial this spring
3 Lines, 13 characters per line
Spaces considered as a Character

Price  $ 30.00

Use our
" On Line Fill-In Form"

A V V A   Membership
Associates Of
Vietnam Veterans Of America participate & work in supporting V V A

For a $ 20.00 annual dues fee become a member and help further V V A programs

Application are available on our website, Click Here  or see
Joann at our meeting


Household Goods
Clothing Donations.org
888.518.Vets ( 8387 )
Schedule A Free Pickup

Be On The Look-Out For
Calvin  Sheap
Please Inform  Calvin
We still meet on the 2nd
Thursday of each month
7:30 PM
Union Township  Civic Center
4350 Aicholtz Road
Clermont County, Ohio
We Miss You  Calvin


The Story About Moving
To Arizona

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