V V A  Clermont County  Chapter 649

Membership :  New Members  /  Renewals   -  September
Members who have Joined or renewed their membership by renewing through Chapter 64

  New  Members
Welcome  Home
Welcome  Home
  New  Members
Thank You For Supporting Chap. 649

                            Thank you to those Chapter Members who recruited our new members.

Please note : If you have renewed or joined Chapter 649 by sending your own application to National,
your name will not appear upon the above list of monthly renewals, due to the fact that Chapter 649
did not submit your application, and is not aware of your submission.

* * *     Sick-Bay :    Please remember these members in your prayers.
Wally Clark- AVVA Member David Stevens informs us, Wally has now been released
from the hospital, sent home to
his residence in Lockport, NY.
Wally is now on the road to recovery.

Wayne Vineyard- Wayne remains hospitalized after his major surgery and is currently
undergoing a lengthy recovery.

Don South- Don has been feeling under the weather, remember Don in your prayers

* * *   Guest Speaker : Ohio State Senator, District 14, Joe Uecker
Senator Uecker will discuss currently pending legislation affecting veterans.

* * *   Please Be Advised ! !  DECEMBER 12- Change of Meeting Place
Chapter 649 will conduct the December, Monthly Meeting at the Clermont County Fair Grounds.   We will have a short membership meeting, adjourn, then have our annual Chapter 649 Christmas Dinner.
Membership Meeting:
Begins 6:00 Pm
Christmas Dinner:
Begins after membership meeting ? Pm
Canned food or any other type supplies for our Needy Veterans food drive.

View our  News Menu  often, for updates concerning this event

* * *   November 7 - Ohio Hall of Fame Induction
Veterans Memorial – Columbus Ohio- November 7 - 10:00 AM
Induction of VVA Chapter 649 Member – Bob Derr
For more details, Contact, Cliff Riley 513. 575. 1342

* * *      November 8- Milford Junior High
Members from Chapter 649 will attend MJH November 8,   (7:00 Am - Noon) ( No school 11/11 )
Members will to speak with students, reveling what life is like,while serving in the U.S.
If you wish to participate, contact, Mark Brandon - 513. 309. 3568
Please Note: All Veterans MUST, Sign-In At Front Office When Arriving

* * *      November 9- DAV (Disable American Veterans)
          5K Run to honor Veterans 7:00 AM to 10:45 AM @ Yeatman’s Cove

* * *      November - 10 Wounded Worriers Memorial Dedication
Dedication of the Wounded Warriors Memorial will be held at East Fork Lake,
November 10,   Contact Cliff Riley for more information:  513. 575. 1342

* * *      November 10- Vietnam Veterans Tribute
Homeward Bound Telethon to air Nov. 10 on Military Channel - 6 10 PM

Connie Francis, who visited Vietnam in December 1967, will be hosting a tribute to
Vietnam Veterans on November 10th on the Military Channel.
Singers will include Chuck Berry and others of our era.
Scheduled Time for showing, unknown.

Mark Harmon and the cast of “NCIS,” Kevin Spacey and Jason Bateman are among the celebrities scheduled to appear on the Homeward Bound Telethon benefitting veterans
with PTSD and TBI airing from 6 to 10 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 10 on The Military Channel


* * *      November 11- Sam's Club - Free Breakfast For Veterans
November 11, 9:00 AM Free Breakfast at Sam’s Club Eastgate
RSVP Cliff 575-1342

* * *      November 11 - Chapter 649 Ceremony
Veteran’s Day Ceremony
Monday November 11th is Veterans’ Day. Chapter 649 will observe this holiday with a ceremony at 1:00 P.M. at Veterans’ Memorial Park.
Our guest speaker will be Ben Pugh from Huntington Bank.

This Veterans’ Day we will personally recognize all veterans in attendance.
Then we will read the roll of the deceased Clermont County Vietnam Veterans to commemorate their service also. All veterans are invited to attend regardless of what
era they served or whether they were stationed stateside or overseas.
Veterans are encouraged to wear their medals or ribbons.

* * *  Milford- Veterans Day- November 11
Dear Veterans,

I know November 11 is a special day for all of you, and you may already have plans or commitments.
Our high school would like you to talk with classes on that day. We will provide coffee and donuts as
well as lunch for our speakers, but most of all our students will learn valuable lessons from each of you.

If you are available to speak on that day, please let me know and reply to all on this e-mail. We need speakers beginning with first period from 7:15-8 and then beginning third period through sixth period, approximately 9 -1.  Let me know if you can spend all or part of the day with us.

We are also recognizing all of our veterans in the community at our board meeting on November 21 at Boyd E. Smith Elementary. We will have certificates, a flag presentation and patriotic songs at the beginning of the televised meeting. Hope you all can come and spread the word. Thanks

Bob Farrell

* * *  Western Brown School- Veterans Day- November 11
Veterans Day, November 11, Chapter 649 members are invited to attend Western Brown
6th Grade Class, (Mt. Orab), to speak with the students, reveling what life is like while serving in the military.   If you wish to participate, please contact : 934. 444. 2529 

* * *  Batavia Veterans Day Parade- November 11
The Batavia Veterans Day Parade Has Been Relocated to New Richmond due to
road conctruction within the town of Batavia.
Parade will start at 7:00 PM - November 11- New Richmond, Ohio

* * *  AVTT Wall Arrives In Union Township
Union Township October 13; Escorted by the Patriot Rider, (Apx. 400 motorcycles) and
members of Chapter 649, driving personal vehicles, the AVTT arrived at Union Twp Park.
Thursday the wall was erected, opening ceremonies began at 10:00 Am, with numerous visiters and guest speakers attending the five day event.
Saturday evening Total Quality Logistics presented a " Welcome Home " dinner for all
Chapter 649 members.    
Suprise appearance by, Veteran / Musician, Bob Seger
View our Photo Gallery to view photos of this event.

Pre-sale orders are now being taken by the author of VIETNAM WAR HELICOPTER ART,
VOL 2 (Stackpole Books). The book is set for release on February 1st, 2014.
Signed copies are available by check or PayPal for $24 which includes free shipping.
PayPal however requires $1.00 additional fee.

Also available for sale are U.S. ARMY HELICOPTER NAMES IN VIETNAM ($28.00) and VIETNAM WAR HELICOPTER ART, VOL 1 ($25.00).
Orders by check are to be made payable to: John Brennan @ 17355 Via Annette,
San Lorenzo, CA 94580. Thank you, John Brennan

* * *    Request From Brick Chairman
Please remember, when filling out the "Brick Order Form", to include an e-mail address
(if available)   By providing an e-mail address and a phone number, Chapter 649 will have access to call or write you, informing you when your purchased brick has been placed at our memorial, providing you with the grid location of your brick.
Purchase a Brick for a family member who served in the military, or to just to say Thanks to a family member who was there for you as you grew-up. ( Cost $ 30.00 )

* * *   GREEN  SCREEN  PHOTOS   -   NOVEMBER, - Membership Meeting
Our Chapter 649 Webmaster, will be taking photos of V.V.A. and A.V.V.A. members,
who have recently joined Chapter 649, and have not had the opportunity to have your picture taken.    If you have a photo of yourself, taken while serving, during your time
in the military, please bring your photo, so it may be scanned and used to place on
our website.
   ( Photo will Be Returned )  Please refrain from wearing articles of clothing containing the color of green.
FYI, by using a Green Screen, this allows different backrounds for use of your photo.
Visit our "Then and Now" web page to view examples for using a green screen

* * *   Buckeye St. Council - Fall Awards Banquet
Newark, Ohio- Metropolitan Hotel - VVA State Council held its annual Fall Awards Banquet Friday, October 18.
Chapter 649 member Cliff Riley, recipient of the Buckeye State,
Presidential Citation Award.   State Council President ( Tom Burke ) Presenting award.

* * *   Recognition Corner  - James Lloyd Farquer
                      Provide By Cliff Riley
James was born Oct. 20, 1946 in Mariemont and lived in Goshen, Ohio.
After graduating from Goshen HS in 1965 James was drafted a year later on May 17, 1966 and sent to Ft Knox. After a short leave he went to Ft. Poke
for infantry training where he qualified on several weapons as 11Bravo.
After a short leave, in a hurry to get soldiers to VN, James was sent to VN first with the 3rd Bn 4th infantry then to 23rd Bn of the 25 Div C Co 3rd plt
Awarded the CIB, PH, GCM, and Bronze Star with “V” Device, Republic of VN Civil Action Honor Medal First Class Unit Citation, VN Gallantry Cross With Palm Unit Citation (2nd award), VNSM, and VNCM.
After being Honorably Discharge May 16, 1968 James went to work for GM working at several locations in Ohio and Indiana until his retirement.
James Lives in Goshen with his wife Robin.
                             Chapter 649 Sultues - James Farquer

* * *     JUST  A  REMINDER
NOVEMBER 5th,  . . .  ELECTION DAY    Get Out And  VOTE !

* * *   HGSP  Reminders
If you have clothing or other house-hold item you wish to discard, please consider donating to the VVA by calling 888. 518.VETS ( 8387 )
View website and schedule a pick-up date for your donations.
Remember : If you are making your donation to support Vietnam Veterans,
You MUST mark all containers used for your donation, to read V V A !  
By placing the letters VVA on the bag or box containing your donation, this will assure your donation to reach the correct container for VVA supplies to be resold.

* *  *  Upcoming  Chapter  Events
Your Help is in Need as a Volunteer : The below listed events are a huge part of
Chapter 649's efforts, to inform the public of our mission as a veterans chapter.
With your help, we can make each event a success and inform other veterans,
and the public of our creed.
               " Never Again Will One Generation Of Veterans Abandon Another "
Nov.  Veterans Day
Chapter 649 will have a brief ceremony to pay Honor to all Veterans, who have served our country.
Location : Union Township Veterans Memorial Park Corner of Clough Pike and Glen - Este-  Withamsville Road   -  November 11, Time To Be Announced soon.
Dec.  Assisting " Veteran Families In Need " 
Providing local area veterans and their families, assistance during the Holiday season.
Dec.  Chapter 649 Christmas Party
Each year Chapter 649 has a Christmas Dinner as a means for all chapter members to gather together for a evening of relaxation and conversations while meeting with those members who are still punching a time-clock six or seven days (Nights) a week.
Chapter 649 provides the Ham and Turkey, and all chapter members provides covered dishes of all sorts for adding to the meal plate.
Music is played throught a sound system donated for the occasion.
Christmas audio CD's are played during the meal time, door prizes are given during the nights event, after the meal, music from the 50's / 60's era is played and the dance-
floor is open to everyone.     
Please make plans to join us for an evening of fun and relaxation.
Membership Meeting: Begins 6:00 Pm
Christmas Dinner: Begins after membership meeting ? Pm
Also: Canned food or any other type supplies for our Needy Veterans food drive.
November  14
Union Township
Civic Center
4350 Aicholtz Road
Clermont County, Ohio
Food at 7:00 PM
Business at  7:30
Ohio State Senator
Joe Uecker
District 14

December  Meeting Date
Thursday,  December  12th
To Be Held At :
Clermont County Fair Grounds
11 / 01- Al Rodenberg Jr
11 / 01-  Charles Pearce
11 / 02-  Jerald Lindsey
11 / 03- Stephen Tam
11 / 05-    ElECTION  DAY
11 / 06- Robert Bennett
11 / 07-  Keith Sissel
11 / 11-   VETERANS DAY
11 / 12- Dexter Thornberry
11 / 13- Joseph Johnston
11 / 14- Robert Bibb Jr
11 / 15- Dwight Kirkendall
11 / 15 - Vance J. Miller
11 / 16- Ora Steward
11 / 17- J C Baldwin
11 / 17- Joseph Walriven
11 / 23- Ron Chapman
11 / 26- Larry Evans
11 / 28- Chuck Schlemmer
11 / 29- Glenn Fagart
11 / 30- Candy Steward avva
Purchase  A  Brick
Commemorative Bricks
are available for purchase
365 days a year
Order Your Brick Now,
Have It In Place For
Veteras Day
3 Lines, 13 characters per line
Spaces considered as a Character

Price  $ 30.00

Use our
" On Line Fill-In Form"
A V V A   Membership
Associates Of
Vietnam Veterans Of America participate & work in supporting V V A

For a $ 20.00 annual dues fee become a member and help further V V A programs

Application are available on our website, Click Here  or see
Joann at our meeting

Welcome  Home
Anyone knowing a member on the sick list or someone that just needs cheering up,
Please bring a Card to the next meeting for everyone to sign ......
Chapter 649 Will Pay
For the Card and Stamp.
Click On Above Logo
Household Goods
Click On Photo Above
888.518.Vets ( 8387 )
Schedule A Free Pickup
Click on Logo To View
State Council Website
Click On Logo Above
Click On Logo Above